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RIGHT NOW – VIDEO PHOTO – GEORG & MARCELA * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

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RIGHT NOW – VIDEO   PHOTO – GEORG & MARCELA * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ
Right now, my Lord'
I lift my heart to You
Right now, my Lord
I give You my heart
Right now, my Lord
Right now
I confess the name of JesuS

Right now, my Lord
I am looking back on my life
Right now, my Lord
I refuse to live in poverty
Right now
My Lord
Right now
I receive new life

You are the Lord of my life
I confess it today, Lord
My old life was sinful
In the name of Jesus, I confess
Today, my Lord
I accept You
as the Lord of my life:/

Right now, my Lord
I hear your call
Right now, my Lord
I repent with my heart
Right now, my Lord
Right now
I make a new confession

You are Lord of my life
I confess it today, Lord
My old life was sinful
In the name of Jesus I confess

Today, my Lord
I accept You
as the Lord of my life
Music & text Georg Zmozek
singing Georg & Marcela Zmozek

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雖 然 無 花 果 樹 不 發 旺 CHI

謝謝你,耶穌 THANK YOU, JESUS 中文歌词

你 們 要 知 道 , 耶 和 華 已 經 分 別 虔 誠 人 歸 他 自 己 赞美和崇拜 Know that the LORD Praise and Worship

RIGHT NOW – VIDEO PHOTO – GEORG & MARCELA * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

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神 愛 世 人

I know who loves me